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  • Legal Rights & Restrictions
  • Health Risks Associated with Cannabis
  • Possible Side Effects
  • Responsible Cannabis Use
  • Safe Storage
  • Cannabis Administration Methods & Effects
  • Safe Dosing
  • Nutritional Information
  • Supplementing Cannabis Consumption with Other Healthy Activities
  • Illinois Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act
  • Sources


With the changing legal landscape, it is more important than ever that customers are informed about what they can and cannot do related to cannabis purchasing, possession, and consumption.

a) Illinois Possession Limits
Pursuant to 410 ILCS 705/10-10, purchasers in-state versus those visiting from out-of-state will have different purchasing limits.

  • Illinois residents will be permitted to purchase no more than 30 grams of cannabis flower, no more than 500 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabis-infused product, and 5 grams of cannabis concentrate.
  • Out of state purchasers will be permitted to purchase no more than 15 grams of cannabis flower, 2.5 grams of cannabis concentrate, and 250 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabis-infused product.

In both instances, the limits are to be considered cumulative and NOXX staff will strictly enforce these limits while conducting transactions to prevent purchasers from accidentally purchasing more than their allowable limit per day. To ensure limits are never exceeded, the Point-of-Sale (“POS”) system will actively count the weight of a purchasers selections and notify staff when
the limit has been surpassed, not allowing the transaction to be complete until an item has been removed to meet the State’s weight limits.  NOXX staff has been trained to look for signs of limit abuse whereby an individual may visit the dispensary or multiple dispensaries more than one time per day in an attempt to purchase more than the transaction limit. NOXX staff and /
or Security Guard has been trained to speak with individuals returning for a second time on the same day, informing the purchaser that the Company will not, under any circumstance, sell more than an individual’s daily allowable limit.

b) Possession under Federal Law
While it is the State’s right to allow the possession and consumption of cannabis in Illinois, it remains illegal under federal law. Through the use of dispensary educational materials and NOXX staff consultations, purchasers will be made aware of areas that prohibit the possession and use of cannabis under federal law. It remains federally illegal to use or possess cannabis while crossing state lines or within federally controlled areas such as airports, government buildings, and national parks. Cannabis is also prohibited at schools, including colleges or universities that must abide by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, which requires campuses to be drug free.

c) Public Cannabis Consumption
The right for adults to consume cannabis also comes with the responsibility of doing so prudently. While smoking cannabis is historically the most popular administrative method, purchasers must be aware of current regulations that prohibit smoking cannabis in public places. Pursuant to 410 ILCS 705/10-35(a)(3), purchasers will be informed through consultation and other printed educational materials on the allowable locations to consume cannabis such as their private residence. Purchasers will be made aware that consuming cannabis in any motor vehicle or public place is prohibited and punishable by law. Extra emphasis will be placed on the dangers of consuming cannabis and operating heavy machinery, such as a vehicle, which is punishable by law as Driving Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance and poses inherent risk to the community at large.


The information stated here should not be taken as medical advice.  All consumers are encouraged to discuss their use of cannabis with their physician and/or pharmacist.

There may be health risks associated with the consumption of cannabis. The following health risk information and drug abuse data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
(“CDC”) Health Effects section on Marijuana1 to educate purchasers on the known health risks associated with the use of cannabis such as heart, lung, brain and mental health, as well as the risk of cannabis abuse and methods of prevention. Though the CDC is the most trusted source of up to date information, the prohibition of cannabis has prevented the Food and Drug Administration from completing double-blind studies regarding the effects of cannabis consumption, creating a lack of science-based health information. The lack of extensive research has contributed to limited information on actual long-term health risks.

It is important for purchasers to understand that each human body will experience cannabis differently and, as such, NOXX staff will not make claims about what cannabis or cannabis products can do for a purchaser. Instead, staff is trained to explain the aggregated experiences reported by consumers, being careful not to make any firm claims about what the
purchaser can expect. Staff has been trained to encourage purchasers to self-document their experience so when the purchaser returns to the dispensary, staff may learn about their past
purchases and corresponding experience, and make different recommendations if necessary, based on the purchaser’s reported feedback.

a) Heart Health
Based on data collected from the CDC, using marijuana can make the heartbeat faster. It may also lead to increased risk of stroke and heart disease. However, the CDC states that most of the
scientific studies linking cannabis to heart attacks and strokes are based on reports from people who consumed marijuana by combustion. Smoked marijuana delivers THC and other cannabinoids to the body, but it also delivers harmful substances to consumers, including many of the same substances found in tobacco smoke, which are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system. It is challenging to separate the effects of the compounds in marijuana on the cardiovascular system from the hazards posed by the irritants and other chemicals contained in the smoke. More research is needed to understand the full impact of marijuana use on the circulatory system to determine if marijuana use leads to higher risk of death from these causes.

b) Lung Health
How marijuana affects lung health is determined by how it’s consumed. Per the CDC, in many cases, marijuana is smoked in the form of hand-rolled joints, pipes or water pipes. The CDC states that research shows smoked marijuana, in any form, can harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to small blood vessels. Smoke from marijuana contains many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens as tobacco smoke. Smoking marijuana may also lead to a greater risk of bronchitis, cough, and phlegm production.

c) Mental Health
Marijuana use, especially frequent (daily or near daily) use and use in high doses, can cause disorientation, and sometimes cause unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia
according to the CDC. The CDC asserts that marijuana consumers are significantly more likely than non-consumers to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that aren’t really there). Marijuana consumption may be linked to depression, anxiety, and suicide among young adults. However, it is not known whether this is a causal relationship or simply an association. The impact depends on many factors and is different for each person. It also depends on the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”) in cannabis, how often it is used, the age of consumers upon first use, and whether other substances (e.g., tobacco and alcohol) are used at the same time.

d) Brain Health
Based on several nationally conducted studies, the CDC summarizes on its website that marijuana use directly affects the brain—specifically the parts of the brain responsible for memory, learning, attention, decision making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time. Heavy consumers of marijuana may have short-term problems with attention, memory, and learning, which can affect relationships and mood. Marijuana may also affect brain development. When marijuana consumers begin using as teenagers, the drug may reduce attention, memory, and learning functions and affect how the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions. Marijuana’s effects on these abilities may last a long time or even be permanent. This means that someone who consumes marijuana may not do as well in school and may have trouble remembering things. The impact depends on many factors and is different for each person. It also depends on the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana (i.e., marijuana potency or strength), how often it is used, the age of first use, and whether other substances (e.g., tobacco and alcohol) are used at the same time. Developing brains, like those in babies, children, and teenagers are especially susceptible to the potentially harmful effects of marijuana. Although scientists are still learning about these effects of marijuana on the developing brain, studies show that marijuana use by mothers during pregnancy may be linked to problems with attention, memory, problem-solving skills, and behavior problems in their children.

e) Pregnancy
According to WebMD , cannabis is unsafe when taken orally or smoked during pregnancy. Cannabis passes through the placenta and can slow the growth of the fetus. Cannabis use during

pregnancy is also associated with childhood leukemia and abnormalities in the fetus. Even after pregnancy, using cannabis, either by mouth or by inhalation is likely unsafe during breast-feeding. The chemicals in cannabis pass into breast milk. Too much of these chemicals might slow down the development of the baby.

Additionally, according to the United States National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) DrugFacts on Marijuana in a study of a test group of dispensaries, nonmedical personnel at these marijuana dispensaries were recommending marijuana to pregnant women for nausea, even though medical experts warn against it. This concerns medical experts because marijuana use during pregnancy is linked to lower birth weight and increased risk of both brain and behavioral problems in babies. If a pregnant or breastfeeding woman consumes marijuana, the drug may affect certain developing parts of the fetus’s brain. Children exposed to marijuana in the womb have an increased risk of problems with attention, memory, and problem-solving compared to unexposed children.

f) Cannabis Abuse
Though cannabis is not recognized as physically addictive, according to the NIDA it can lead to marijuana use disorder, which may cause addictive habits in some cases. Consumers can overcome cannabis abuse related challenges to protect the safety, health, and wellbeing of the purchasers, their families, and the greater community. Cannabis abuse can pose a threat to purchasers, employees, and the community.  NOXX staff has been trained to refuse entry to a prospective purchaser who display any of the signs of abuse or current impairment. Should the situation escalate, and the prospective purchaser refuses to leave the dispensary, NOXX staff and/or a Security Guard will be available to assist with the removal of the purchaser without conflict. If an impaired purchaser leaves the dispensary and gets behind the wheel of a vehicle, staff will immediately notify the police. NOXX staff will also be equipped to help purchasers or visitors who are seeking information on substance abuse by directing consumers to this webpage, which provides a list of community resources and the Illinois Substance Abuse Helpline information.

HELP IS AVAILABLE. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) 240-276-2750 Illinois Department of Public Health 855-636-3688

Illinois Department of Public Health (Chicago Office)

Address: 122 S. Michigan Avenue, 7th and 20th Floors, Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: 312-814-2793

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (Chicago Office)
Address: 100 West Randolph, 9th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 1 (888) 473-4858


The information stated here should not be taken as medical advice.  All consumers are encouraged to discuss their use of cannabis with their physician and/or pharmacist.

a) Potential Side Effects
Cannabis consumption, while intended to be positive, can sometimes result in undesired negative short-term and long-term side effects. When cannabis is used properly, however, side effects experienced are generally mild and positive. The human cannabinoid system widely varies from person to person and the exact effect a particular cannabis strain or product may have is not guaranteed. It is important to note that due to the political climate surrounding cannabis research, clinical studies have produced widely conflicting conclusions about potential side effects of cannabis consumption. There are common anecdotal side effects that are widely known to occur.

According to the United States National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (“NIDA”) DrugFacts on Marijuanashort-term effects from using cannabis may include altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors), altered sense of time, changes in mood, impaired body movement, difficulty with thinking and problem-solving, impaired memory, hallucinations (when taken in high doses), delusions (when taken in high doses), and psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana). Long-term side effects can include increased likelihood of cannabis use, possible IQ decline, and slower brain development in adolescent use cases. In most cases, side effects are mild, well-tolerated, and can be controlled with careful dose management. However, in rare cases where an adverse reaction occurs, usually as a result of consuming large doses of cannabis in food or drink, individuals may experience acute complications such as breathing problems, increased heart rate, intense nausea and vomiting, temporary hallucinations, temporary paranoia, and worsening symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. 

Long-term side effects may also include chronic cough or bronchitis; mucus or nasal congestion; weight gain; increased risk of cancer including testicular, lung and bladder cancer; cognitive impairment and reduced ability to learn or retain information; personality and mood changes; potential suppression of the immune symptom; reduced sexual capacity; apathy, drowsiness, and a lack of motivation. Long-term effects are reduced by decreasing frequency and amount of cannabis consumed and are shown to be less prevalent in people who start consuming cannabis later in life.

There are some additional possible side effects of cannabis, including impairment with use and operation of a motor vehicle or heavy machinery, during pregnancy or when caring for children, or affecting job performance.

Other effects include:

  • Altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors)
  • Altered sense of time
  • Changes in mood
  • Impaired body movement
  • Difficulty with thinking and problem-solving
  • Impaired memory
  • Hallucinations (when taken in high doses)
  • Delusions (when taken in high doses)
  • Psychosis (risk is highest with regular use of high potency marijuana)

There may be some long term effects with Cannabis use, such as affects on brain development. When people begin using marijuana as teenagers, the drug may impair thinking, memory, and learning functions and affect how the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions.

There is a potential for drug-to-drug interactions, including interactions with alcohol, prescription drugs, nonprescription drugs, and supplements. 

b) Potential Drug Interactions
According to NIDA, cannabis and THC’s effect on the nervous system has been shown to alter the body’s absorption and elimination of other drugs. As a general rule of thumb, due to possible additive or synergistic action, cannabis should not be used in combination with alcohol, sedatives, and depression or sleeping pills. According to WebMD, cannabis has major interaction with sedative drugs, Barbiturates and CNS depressants, and will increase the metabolic processing of these drugs. Cannabis also has major interaction with Theophylline, a methylxanthine drug used in therapy for respiratory diseases, decreasing its effect. Cannabis can have a moderate interaction with Disulfiram (Antabuse), which can cause agitation, trouble sleeping, and irritability, and Fluoxetine (Prozac), which may cause an individual to feel irritated, nervous, jittery, and excited. Doctors call this hypomania. Cannabis can have a minor interaction with Warfarin (Coumadin), which may increase the effects of Warfarin and may increase the chance of bruising and bleeding. 


Purchasers will be instructed about cannabis consumption methods, dosing, expected effects, duration, and how to handle an adverse response. Each individual person has a unique
endocannabinoid system and therefore reacts to cannabinoid and terpene combinations differently. Cannabis effects also vary by age, tolerance, hydration and hunger levels, and set and setting.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws’ (“NORML”) Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use recommends the following:

  1. Adults Only – Cannabis consumption is for adults only. It is irresponsible to provide cannabis to children.
  2. No Driving – The responsible cannabis consumer does not operate a motor vehicle or other dangerous machinery while impaired by cannabis, nor (like other responsible citizens)
    while impaired by any other substance or condition, including some medicines and fatigue.
  3. Set and Setting – The responsible cannabis user will carefully consider his/her set and setting, regulating use accordingly.
  4. Resist Abuse – Use of cannabis, to the extent that it impairs health, personal development or achievement, is abuse, to be resisted by responsible cannabis consumers.
  5. Respect the Rights of Others – The responsible cannabis user does not violate the rights of others, observes accepted standards of courtesy and public propriety, and respects the
    preferences of those who wish to avoid cannabis entirely.


Safe storage of cannabis is crucial for maintaining its potency and preventing unauthorized access, especially in households with children or pets.

To maintain product quality, opt for airtight containers made of glass or plastic to preserve the freshness of cannabis. Store these containers in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and moisture, which can degrade the quality of the product. Moreover, labeling cannabis containers with information like strain type, potency, and date of purchase aids in proper organization and identification 

Keep cannabis products away from areas easily accessible to children or pets, employing high shelves and/or locked cabinets as preferred locations. Lockable storage options, such as boxes or safes, provide an added layer of security, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access. Educating household members about the importance of responsible storage and handling of cannabis contributes significantly to maintaining a safe environment within the home.


Cannabis offers a diverse array of administration methods, each influencing the onset, intensity, and duration of its effects. Inhalation methods like smoking and vaping provide rapid onset, typically within minutes, making them popular for immediate relief. Smoking involves combusting dried cannabis flowers, delivering a quick but potentially harsh experience, while vaping heats the cannabis to a temperature that releases cannabinoids without combustion, often considered a smoother alternative.

Edibles, including infused foods and beverages, provide a delayed onset, usually taking up to an hour or more to take effect due to digestion. Their effects tend to be more potent and longer-lasting, lasting several hours. Sublingual methods, such as tinctures or sprays, involve placing cannabis extracts under the tongue for fast absorption into the bloodstream, resulting in quicker effects compared to edibles but slower than inhalation.

Topicals, such as creams, lotions, or patches, are applied directly to the skin and are primarily used for localized relief, offering therapeutic benefits without inducing psychoactive effects. Each administration method offers a unique experience in terms of onset, duration, and intensity of effects, allowing users to choose based on their desired outcomes and preferences.


For beginners exploring cannabis, safe dosing is crucial to ensure a positive and manageable experience. Start low and go slow is the cardinal rule. Begin with a small dose, like 2.5-5 milligrams of THC (the psychoactive component), especially if you’re trying edibles or concentrates. The effects of cannabis products can vary from person to person, and it can take as long as two hours to feel the effects of some cannabis-infused products. Carefully review the portion size information and warnings contained on the product packaging before consuming. Wait at least 1-2 hours before considering another dose as the effects can take time to manifest, preventing accidental overconsumption.   With inhalation methods like smoking or vaping, take a single puff and wait to gauge its impact before proceeding further. Always opt for products with clear labeling detailing THC/CBD content and potency, enabling precise dosage control.


Illinois law requires edibles containing cannabis to have clear nutritional labeling. Typically, these labels include information similar to what you’d find on regular food products, such as serving size, total calories, fat content, carbohydrates, protein, sugars, and sometimes additional details about vitamins or minerals present in the ingredients.

However, specific nutritional information can vary widely based on the type of cannabis-infused product. For instance, a cannabis-infused chocolate bar will have different nutritional content compared to a cannabis-infused granola bar or a beverage. Always refer to the packaging or labeling on the specific product you’re interested in to find accurate nutritional information.


Combining cannabis consumption with other healthy habits can contribute to a holistic well-being approach. Here are ten ways to supplement cannabis use with other health-focused activities:

  1. Exercise Routine: Engage in regular physical activity, whether it’s yoga, jogging, weightlifting, or any other form of exercise you enjoy. Cannabis can sometimes complement exercise by helping with relaxation or muscle recovery, but it’s essential to be mindful of how it affects your performance and coordination.
  2. Balanced Diet: Maintain a well-rounded and nutritious diet. Pairing cannabis use with healthy eating habits can enhance its potential therapeutic effects. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  3. Nature Immersion: Spend time outdoors, connect with nature, and breathe in fresh air. Combining cannabis with nature walks or hikes can promote relaxation and enhance the overall experience.
  4. Regular Doctor Visits: Prioritize regular health check-ups and consultations with healthcare professionals. Be transparent about your cannabis use to receive comprehensive medical guidance and ensure your health needs are met holistically.
  5. Low-Stress Practices: Incorporate stress-relieving activities into your routine, such as meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises. Cannabis might aid in relaxation, but pairing it with stress-reduction techniques can maximize its potential benefits.
  6. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated. Pairing cannabis consumption with adequate water intake can help mitigate potential dry mouth or dehydration associated with its use.
  7. Social Interaction: Maintain healthy social connections and engage in activities with friends or family. Enjoying cannabis in a social setting can promote a positive and shared experience.
  8. Quality Sleep: Prioritize good sleep hygiene. Cannabis may influence sleep patterns for some individuals, so ensuring a conducive sleep environment and practicing good sleep habits can enhance its potential sleep-supporting effects.
  9. Mindful Consumption: Practice responsible and mindful cannabis use. Monitor and track your consumption to understand its effects and adjust as needed to maintain a healthy balance.
  10. Cognitive Stimulation: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as reading, puzzles, learning new skills, or creative hobbies. Pairing cannabis use with intellectually stimulating activities can offer a unique experience for some individuals.

Remember, while combining cannabis with other healthy activities can be beneficial, individual reactions to cannabis vary. It’s crucial to understand how cannabis affects you personally and to seek guidance from healthcare professionals when needed.


Click Here to visit the Illinois Cannabis Regulation & Tax Act


  • Health Effects: Marijuana, National Centers for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2018),
  • WebMD, Cannabis, WebMD (2019)
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse, DrugFacts: Marijuana, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2019),
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse, DrugFacts: Marijuana, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2019),
  •  WebMD, Cannabis, WebMD (2019),
  • NORML Board of Directors, Statement on the Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use, NORML (1996),



Clear Mind










I’ve never had a negative experience here. Everytime I visit, the employees are always nice and willing to help you find what you’re looking for. Today I had Seth helping me out, I dont have the best vision and he helped me choose the product I was searching for. My experience here is always smooth, quick and painless.

S. Wortley

Made an online order and was pleasantly surprised that they had a pick up window that was super quick and easy. Jake was great and made the experience even better. It seemed like people were getting in and out quick on a Friday night. Prices are amazing as well and realized I had $35 in rewards that was easy to redeem online. Will definitely be my go to when I’m in the area.

J. Gonzalez

She was great. She took the time to explain things and helped my grandma find what she needed, and we are very impressed with her knowledge and her ability to make you feel comfortable being at your store. She was very knowledgeable and we greatly appreciate her taking the time to bring a chair out to my grandma and, really making us feel you know like we were special customers in our own way

C. Boerma

Sent my friend here to pick up some products for me and I was a little worried. I had never been here and wasn’t sure what I was sending her into. She told me how wonderful everyone was to her and how easy her transaction was. Thank you for treating her so well and thanks for the great prices!

D. Schlyer

Came in during a rush, but Maddie killed it. Excellent Service and she took the time to let us look/smell the flower we were interested in.

E. Casnave

Anthony is always helpful as the best recommendations and always knows his customers that come in regularly by first name. You want a good experience ask for him he’ll 100% always come through with something that’s just right for you

D. Harris

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