Understanding Three Types of Cannabis: SATIVA, indica, and Hybrid

If you’re curious about cannabis, you might have heard terms like Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid. These three categories represent different types of cannabis plants and can have varying effects on the mind and body.



Sativa strains are associated with uplifting and energizing effects. These plants generally have narrow leaves and a taller, lankier structure. When consumed, Sativa-dominant strains are known to promote cerebral stimulation, creativity, and a sense of euphoria. They are often preferred for daytime use as they can enhance focus and productivity.



Indica strains are known for their relaxing and soothing properties. These plants typically have broad leaves and a shorter stature. When consumed, Indica-dominant strains tend to provide a calming and sedating effect on the body and mind. They are often associated with feelings of relaxation, pain relief, and promoting a good night’s sleep. Indica strains are commonly used in the evening or for relaxation purposes.





Hybrid strains, as the name suggests, are a combination of both Indica and Sativa genetics. These strains are created by crossbreeding different varieties to create unique combinations of effects. Hybrids can be either Indica-dominant, Sativa-dominant, or have a balanced mix of both. The characteristics and effects of a hybrid strain depend on the specific genetics involved. Breeders create hybrids to achieve desired traits such as a balanced high, increased potency, or targeted medicinal effects. Hybrid strains offer a wide range of possibilities and can cater to individual preferences.



It’s not quite that simple:

While the effects of cannabis strains are often attributed to their Indica or Sativa classification, it’s important to note that these labels are somewhat oversimplified. The chemical composition of a strain, particularly the presence of cannabinoids and terpenes, plays a significant role in determining its effects. Cannabinoids like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) influence the psychoactive and therapeutic properties of cannabis, while terpenes contribute to the plant’s aroma and potential effects. For example, two Indica strains can produce different effects due to variations in their cannabinoid and terpene profiles.



In summary, Sativa, Indica and Hybrid are the three main types of cannabis plants. Indica strains are associated with relaxing and sedating effects, while Sativa strains are known for their uplifting and energizing properties. Hybrid strains offer a blend of both, combining different genetic characteristics to create unique effects. It’s important to remember that individual strains can vary significantly in their chemical composition and effects, so it’s always a good idea to research specific strains and consult with professionals or budtenders to find the cannabis experience that suits your needs and preferences.

Joint Rolling 101

Rolling a joint requires practice and patience, but with a few steps, you can improve your rolling skills. Here’s a general guide on how to roll a joint:

  1. Gather your supplies: You’ll need rolling papers, cannabis flower, a grinder, a filter (optional), and a flat surface to work on.
  2. Grind the cannabis: Use a grinder to break down the cannabis into smaller, evenly-sized pieces. Finely ground cannabis will burn more evenly and provide a smoother smoke.
  3. Prepare the rolling paper: Take a rolling paper and hold it with the glue strip facing up. If your rolling paper has a filter, place it on one end of the paper.
  4. Fill the rolling paper: Spread the ground cannabis along the length of the paper. Distribute it evenly, leaving some space at the ends to allow for folding and sealing.
  5. Shape the joint: Use your fingers to shape the cannabis into a cylinder. Tuck in the rolling paper closest to you and start rolling the joint back and forth, using your thumbs and index fingers, to compact the cannabis and form a cylindrical shape.
  6. Roll the joint: Once the joint is shaped, continue rolling by using your thumbs to push the paper closest to you while simultaneously rolling it under the other side. Use your fingers to keep the cannabis in place.
  7. Lick and seal: When the joint is fully rolled, apply a thin line of moisture along the glue strip. Carefully lick the glue strip or use a damp sponge to moisten it. Seal the joint by pressing the glue strip onto the paper.
  8. Pack and twist the end: Gently pack the open end of the joint to ensure an even burn. You can use a pen or a similar object to create a small indentation in the open end. Twist the excess paper at the end to secure the joint.

Remember, rolling a perfect joint takes practice, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempts are not perfect. Experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you. Additionally, it’s important to consume cannabis responsibly and in accordance with local laws.

How to Determine Your Ideal Cannabis Edible Consumption

Cannabis edibles have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional methods of consuming cannabis. They offer a discreet and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, but finding the right dosage can be a bit challenging, especially for beginners. Unlike smoking or vaping, the effects of edibles take longer to kick in and can be more potent. So, let’s explore some essential factors to consider when determining how much cannabis edibles to consume.

Start Low, Go Slow:

When it comes to edibles, the golden rule is to start with a low dose and gradually increase it as needed. Begin with a small amount, usually around 5-10 mg of THC.  This allows you to assess your tolerance and how your body reacts to the edible. Remember, the effects can take up to two hours to fully manifest, so patience is key.

Understand the THC Content:

Carefully read the packaging or labelling on the cannabis edibles you’re consuming. It will indicate the THC content per serving. Different edibles may have varying potency levels, so it’s important to be aware of the concentration to manage your dosage effectively. If you’re unsure, consult with the budtender or a knowledgeable professional who can guide you based on your preferences and experience.

Consider Your Tolerance and Experience:

Individuals’ tolerance levels can vary significantly. Factors such as body weight, metabolism, and previous cannabis exposure all play a role. Beginners or those with low tolerance should stick to lower doses until they become more comfortable with the effects. Experienced users might need higher doses to achieve the desired outcomes. Regardless of your experience, it’s crucial to be mindful and listen to your body.

Allow for the “Onset” and “Duration”:

Unlike inhalation methods, the effects of edibles take longer to kick in. This is because the THC is metabolized by the liver before it enters the bloodstream. The onset can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours, so it’s essential to resist the temptation to consume more if you don’t feel immediate effects. Be patient, and allow ample time for the edibles to take effect before making any adjustments.

Additionally, keep in mind that the effects of cannabis edibles can last longer compared to smoking or vaping. The duration can range from 4 to 8 hours, depending on various factors. Plan your consumption accordingly and avoid situations where impairment might pose risks.

Create a Comfortable Environment:

Before consuming cannabis edibles, ensure you’re in a comfortable and familiar environment. Being in a relaxed setting can contribute to a positive experience. Consider having a trusted friend present, especially if it’s your first time or if you’re experimenting with higher doses. Having someone around can provide reassurance and support if needed.

In conclusion, determining the appropriate dosage of cannabis edibles requires careful consideration and self-awareness. Starting with a low dose, understanding the THC content, and being mindful of your tolerance and experience are crucial steps. Patience is key, as the effects take longer to manifest, and it’s important to create a comfortable environment. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of cannabis edibles while ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. Remember, everyone’s response to cannabis is unique, so it’s essential to tailor your dosage to your own needs and preferences.